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  Re: Philodendron selloum
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.12.14 at 15:31:58(7914)
Dear Russ,

I`m sure all of the 'forms' that you remember and mention below are still in
cultivation, but I`d GUESS that with the publication of Dr. Mayo`s paper
which synonomised many into one (P. bipinnatafidium) that the growers just
'dropped' labeling them, and all have 'fallen' into just one or two names,
either P. 'selloum' (the commercial name under which they are sold in bulk)
or P. bipinnatifidium, the name that us 'scientifically minded' guys tend to
use. A few old-timers like my friend Jim still remember the old forms, and
take pains to point them out when you visit!!
As Brian mentions, seed of some of these old forms are available from Dr.
Seidel in Brazil, I would not mind going in on an order and seeing what we
can grow out of them!

Good growing,


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