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Philodendron DNA
From: "zonneveld" zonneveld at rulbim.leidenuniv.nl> on 2002.01.23 at 15:04:34(8043)
Joe Wright was so kind to send me 5 leaf samples, 4 of
Philodendron selloum and the fifth ( which one? ) of P. (bi)
Unfortunately the leaves were dry on arrival due to the paper in the
same sachet. I imbibed them in water and tried anyway The results
are therefore not very good, also because the values are rather low
no2 = 3.64 picogram and no 5=3.68 pg so seem identical.
no1 = 4.63 pg and no 3=4.88 pg both probably the same species.
no 4 = 5.38 pg So we might have three! species unless ploidy is
involved in that case no4 is a triploid of no1/5.( but see the caveat
above). Maybe I try again tomoorow afeter a nifgt in water.
Could you comment on the results Joe ( or others) as I dont know
much about Philodendrons
Ben J.M.Zonneveld
Clusius lab pobox 9505
2300 RA Leiden
| +More |
The Netherlands
Fax: 31-71-5274999
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