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Re: Re: ongoing insects.- PREDATOR NEMATODES
From: mburack at mindspring.com> on 2002.01.28 at 22:16:33(8087)
Ok now I am confused... so none of the nematodes would have any effect on the ants?
aroid-l@mobot.org wrote:
> Marc, I am afraid the story has got a little ahead of the real world here.
| +More |
There are two nematodes in the genus Steinernema which are in (or shortly to
be in) commercial production for control of mole crickets and some other
insects of turfgrass. And there is one that is effective against black vine
weevil. I can point to sites on these if you don't have any luck with a
google search.
Ants, though are something else. There are some promising insects and also
fungi that look good on fire ants, but I haven't come across anything for
any of our others.
By the way, if you don't have the little buggars that Julius wrote about
(Wassmannia aureopunctata) count yourself very lucky. They have a sting
every bit as nasty as the description that Julius gave, and are particularly
hard to control since they not only have several queens per colony, but have
satellite colonies between which the workers pass freely, and nest anywhere
from leaf litter to high in trees. One of the less pleasant parts of South
Florida gardening when they drop on you as you work around! Derek
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: ongoing insects.- PREDATOR NEMATODES
> Well I have another question regarding invasive insect problems in my
plant pots..
> I have read about products which are "predator nematodes" (not to be
confused with the "bad" nematodes that hurt plants.
> >From what I have read.. these micro insects are the what an bug has
nightmares about, and they brutally kill all insects (yet no earthworms)
which live in soil.
> My questions are:
> A) Has anyone ever used these products?
> B) Would they be effective on ants which only nest in the soil, and yet
dont live there all the time?
> Thanks
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