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  The sixth sense
From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at hotmail.com> on 2002.02.01 at 03:55:07(8112)
OK well I know this subject can easily become a religious and scientific
battle field. Hopefully it be like most arguments on here and stay in hand.

One of the other things I have seen that really amazed me was a science
experiment were a group of plant were in an aquarium with a speaker. One
tank had hard rock playing the other had instrumental music. Apparently the
volumes to both speakers were at the same tone and the plants were in all
the same conditions. Now the plants in the rock and roll tank moved away
from the speaker and started to die. The other plants with the orchestra
music moved towards the speaker and looked very healthy. Is this proof
plants can hear? Hearing is only picking up vibrations in a sense? does this
prove plants have a specific taste in music?:>)

I for one do not totally believe in evolution their are a lot of holes in
that bucket. Of course I think it's for some the only way to answer. Try
not to attack to harsh LOL!

Still has anyone really studied these thing or is it all just theories? That
little aquarium experiment was the only one I have heard of. It was also the
last I heard about it.

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