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  Re: Plants The sixth sense
From: StellrJ at aol.com on 2002.02.03 at 16:40:26(8149)
In a message dated Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:02:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, Krzysztof Kozminski writes:

> The ones with nodules of wrong color/shape got eaten by the predators
> before they managed to set seed, and aren't seen much any more....
Or, to be more precise (since presumably the ancestral population had no nodules, and was eaten) those with no nodules, or the wrong nodules, were weakened by the predator, and set fewer seeds than those with the right nodules. This is the biggest fallacy I see in creation science: they take an all-or-nothing approach, when in fact, nature is full of many degrees of success. After all, we must still ask why other plants of the same genus, with the same predator, still exist without nodules?

Jason Hernandez

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