From: Susan Cox snalice at> on 2002.03.25 at 16:09:57(8347)
Hi MJ,
I can't say for Symplocarpus, but I have noticed the same with
Lycichiton americanum. I found the infructescense torn apart the same
way. The only thing I could think of were either skunk, coon or bear.
Bear have been known to survive on skunk cabbage when there is little
else to eat, however I would think they would be eating on other parts
of the plant as I think they usually have less to eat when skunk cabbage
is not in infructescence, but is in leaf. Still, is it possible they
might like to nibble at the time of the cabbage's fruiting? As for
skunk and coon, those are the only other animals (besides deer) that are
around here that would be of a size that could tear into the
infructescence. Perhaps deer? I hadn't thought of that before. They
are not easy to get into at that stage. Do you have deer? Do you have
any of these animals around? These four animals frequent my sister's
property where the cabbages grow. This is just a big guess because I
didn't catch the animal in the act. It's your turn to stay up all night
to find out. Be sure and take a flashlight....and
Let me know,
Sue Cox
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