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Re: The Tropical Plants of R. Burle Marx
From: Dan Levin levin at pixar.com> on 2002.04.05 at 16:24:51(8478)
Jim & Rob, et al:
I emailed Harri Lorenzi back in January at
He responded in short & referred me to the web page www.plantarum.com.br
for ordering, which I did. My copy of the book (which is rather nice, btw)
arrived in great condition approx. 8 weeks later.
| +More |
My 2? worth: No pun intended, but plantarum.com.br is NOT amazon.com.
My sense is Harri's pretty much running a one man shop and if he happens
to be in the field doing research for his next book... well, you just might not
get an immediate response. Eduardo Goncalves would know better about this.
Also- you're right Jim, their server is not secure. I took a chance but opted
to use a credit card which expires soon just in case. And for the record, I've
had no unauthorized purchases posted to my account since then BUT shortly
after ordering I started getting some interesting spam in a language I'm not
particularly fluent in. For me it was worth the risk, but caveat emptor!
> Has any one ordered this book? I was interested in getting two copies but I
> was concerned that they do not have a secure server for credit card
> transactions. My attemps to e-mail them have not had any response.
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