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Re: The Tropical Plants of R. Burle Marx
From: "Patricia Frank" tricia_frank at hotmail.com> on 2002.04.05 at 21:59:18(8483)
Yes, I ordered a book with a credit card. The card did not go through and they notified me for another number and sent the book before they got the new number. The book is beautiful, all color in English and Spanish. Tricia | +More | ----- Original Message ----- From: FLYGLASAIR@aol.com Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 8:21 PM To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L Subject: The Tropical Plants of R. Burle Marx Has any one ordered this book? I was interested in getting two copies but Iwas concerned that they do not have a secure server for credit cardtransactions. My attemps to e-mail them have not had any response.Jim Reedflyglasair@aol.com
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