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  Re: Mosquito Control in Outside Water-filled Propagation Trays
From: tjw at chos001.cho.ge.com (Tim Williams Ext. 5529) on 1997.06.16 at 16:17:40(851)
>Does anyone have any practical advice (based on experience) on how to control
>mosquitos in shallow trays used outside to propagate bog and other
>moisture-loving plants and not "kill" or "damage" the emerging seedlings or
>more established plants.

25 years ago, in my college days, I worked for the City of Virginia Beach
in mosquito control. We raised and released mosquito fish - Gambusia sp?
They were very effective in controlling mosquitos in shallow, seasonally
filled depressions.

I have also use common guppies from the pet store. Both fish are effective
if algae and other food is available in addition to larvae. I have seen
Gambusia flourshing and reproducing in water filled ruts in dirt roads.

Tim Williams

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