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RE: Amorph spadix times 2 ???
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2002.04.10 at 18:51:19(8517)
There's always men that are not happy with just one spadix.............
Lord Spadix
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
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> Van: aroid-l@mobot.org [mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens
> mburack@mindspring.com
> Verzonden: woensdag 10 april 2002 17:16
> Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Onderwerp: Amorph spadix times 2 ???
> I might have seen someone mention this before but I cant
> remember for sure....
> This was strange though.....
> I currently have Amorphophallus koratensis in bloom (as it
> does every year like clockwork).
> This year it made the normal inflorescence... but also at the
> base of the inflorescence (not coming out of the
> tuber-actually at the base of the "normal" inflor) there is a
> miniature (yet complete) additional spadix(although
> horizontal....as opposed to the normal vertical spadix).
> I took many photos yesterday evening to document this if
> there was a "desire" for others to see it.
> Has this ever happened to anyone else?
> Marc
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