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Re: Dead Horses?
From: "Peter Boyce" boyce at pothos.demon.co.uk> on 2002.04.19 at 20:07:51(8579)
Warn!! It's possibly the worst-smelling of all the aroids (with the possible
exception of Synandrospadix and Typhonium venosum).
----- Original Message -----
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To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 8:02 PM
Subject: Dead Horses?
> Dear all;
> Way back in Jan 1997, Rob McClure ( I believe)donated and
> with the help of Mary Sizemore ?? arranged for a distribution of
> small tubers of Helicodiceros musciverous. My old mail shows delivery
> went to 15 in the US and a few more in other countries.
> Last year I prompted some email as I unpotted my plant and
> sent out a few small tubers. I repotted the biggest and kept it frost
> free in a greenhouse.
> I am expecting bloom for the first time. The very strangely
> shaped 'bent-horn' of the tightly rolled spathe is emerging and about
> 8 inches long on top of the foliage.
> Should I invite or warn my neighbors?
> Also curious if any of the other 15++ have had bloom or the
> others? Is mine the first to pop?
> Best Jim W.
> Dr. James W. Waddick
> 8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
> Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
> Ph. 816-746-1949
> E-fax 419-781-8594
> Zone 5 Record low -23F
> Summer 100F +
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