(Department of Wisconsin Natural Resources info search on these Asian biting
http://www.ladybugcare.com/ladybug-explosion.html (the scoop)
http://exn.ca/ (scroll down, there is a video)
http://my.net-link.net/~prostock/NOV2001.html Interesting story about a
group of people on a treasure hunt being attacked by the BLB (biting
http://www.dailyillini.com/oct01/oct31/news/stories/scout.shtmlb Scout's
Some of Scout's friends have told Scout tall tales about terrible, biting
ladybugs. Scout thought they were crazy because Scout had always heard that
a ladybug was good luck. But Scout discovered your luck's run out if you
encounter a multi-colored Asian lady beetle.
Phil Nixon, University extension specialist in entomology, said these biting
bugs were imported from Asia in the last 20 years. American researchers
brought them to the United States to control aphids on pecan trees.
Unfortunately, the American scientists' visas didn't last long enough to let
them study how the insects behaved during the winter.
In the cold months in Asia, the lady beetles seek shelter in cliff faces.
Now in the United States, they find shelter in homes by the tens of
thousands. "They're disturbing," Nixon said. "They'll fly up and land on you
and bite you."
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 6:32 PM
Subject: ladybug survey
> Thanks to everyone who wrote. It is amazing how many places they have
> introduced into this country -- right now it seems they are all over the
> eastern coast, and going out towards the Mississippi. I am not sure who
> released them, state or federal government, or both, or neither? I got a
> kick out of the insurance suggestion. My own suggestion is that the drug
> companies did: create a new illness, then sell an enormous amount of
> medicine for the cure.
> I appreciate the information about the "bite". Being an insect-phobe, I
> have never actually studied the mouthparts (or any other part) of any kind
> of bug, but they all seem to know me and take special delight in
> me. I got the same information about butterflies, that the reason they
> attracted to people's heads is to seek moisture. That might explain why
> hordes of them attack me (don't laugh) all summer. My head must sweat a
> lot. But the ladybugs don't seem to be attracted to heads. They more
> typically land on limbs (arms or legs), immediately crawl under the
> clothing, and BITE (or HOOK). And yes, it is quite painful. It is about
> like a horsefly (not housefly) bite. They only seem to do this when they
> are swarming, preparing to hibernate. Maybe some of us give off ladybug
> pherhomones?
> A little more about the ladybugs: they (reportedly) don't eat in the fall
> winter when hibernation season occurs. The ones inside my house don't,
> anyone else in this survey, anyway; if yours are feeding, they are
> natives. I thought that would be a great way to help control an aphid
> infestation in my greenhouse area a couple of winters ago; no such luck.
> There is a photo available at the web site I mentioned of a man looking at
> his living room wall that has several thousand MALB on it. Check it out.
> FYI: 2 years ago, our upstairs hallway walls and floor were so covered in
> the things, you couldn't see the walls, and they crunched when walking. I
> didn't stop to take a picture; I just vacuumed them out as soon as I
> Susan, it sounds as though you are as fed up as I was. I tightly taped
> all the windows, caulked, did everything I could to seal the house, and
> relatively few got inside. It took me several days, but I think it was
> worth it. Other people tried other methods. Very few seemed to be very
> effective. I am not willing to use severe chemical insecticides in or on
> our house for the 3 months they swarm here, so that is out.
> Whoever would like some, just give me your address and I will send
> (literally). Do you care if they are dead or alive? Are there any regs
> about sending bugs overseas? I don't think I want to send them to you in
> England, Geoffrey, but I got a lot of useful information from you. I
> appreciate it. I have forwarded it to the head researcher at the local
> project. Can I give him your name if he requests?
> And don't forget: exactly who not only "recommended" but paid farmers to
> plant kudzu: US government! Our tax dollars at work.
> Kathy
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