It also loves wet soil, so any clone will do very well for your friend.
Most garden centers here have the tubers and end up practically giving
them away
at the end of the season. Alternately, all the Tulip,suppliers carry
them, for example
Van Dyck's offers them at 3 for $13.95 and their tubers are robust. They
also offer Z. x 'Pink Mist'
which is a pink version shaped like aethiopica and the famous A.
aethiopica 'Green Goddess'
a most unusual form.
If your friend needs loads of them, the Oregon Bulb Company offers a
wonderful selection
of superior tubers at wholesale. The folks from AEG (Arisaema Enthusiasts
Group) joined
forces and put in a joint order a few years ago. The resulting plants are
wonderful and
they were quite inexpensive.
Another possibility is to grow them from seed. Z. aethiopica only takes
about 3 years to first bloom
and they might be forced like we force Arisaema.
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