From: "Celeste Whitlow" politicalamazon at> on 2002.05.05 at 05:22:01(8725)
I just looked on Google to see what the heck a Zantedeschia looks like.
Surely you are not talking about the calla? It is invasive here. In fact,
if you make the mistake of not pasteurizing (or discarding) media from a pot
that once grew calla lilies, and if you attempt to reuse the media, you will
have them coming up in whatever you put the media in. Even pasteurizing
doesn't kill the larger tubers but, hopefully, you will have screened your
media first to get those out.
The ones that are the worst are the common white ones. Hopefully the more
beautifully colored ones are not so ninja.
In my experience, you cannot give them too much water, but they tolerate
clay soil just fine, even in a pot, so keeping water on them is usually not
a problem. Don't give them good media with good aeration because it will
just encourage them.
| +More |
In my experience, they are phosphorous 'ho's, however. I made the mistake of
giving them some "bloom-booster" type high-phosphorus fertilizer once and
the blooms were out of this world, but mama-mia! it seems to have encouraged
tuber production like you would not believe.
If anybody wants any tubers from the common white calla, give me a holler,
and let me know how many pounds you want.
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Zantedeschia availability??
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 11:41 AM
> Subject: Re: Zantedeschia availability??
> Thanks, Geoffrey!
> It will be a help when I obtain some for my friend!
> Julius
> Julius,
> My experience is that most of the cultivars of Z. aethiopica will love it
> wet
> and warm. It is often grown standing permanently in water in botanic
> here and the only problem I would forsee is that it grows VERY fast under
> such conditions. There are of course both short and tall cultivars (up to
> 5-6
> ft is not unusual), the shorter clones tending to have much more open,
> flatter spathes ie. Z. aethiopica 'crowbrough'. I prefer the taller forms
> which have beautiful tall, often tightly furled spathes.
> Regards,
> Geoffrey Kibby
> London