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Re: Aroids growing better in water?
From: "ron" ronlene at adelphia.net> on 2002.05.28 at 20:21:58(8911)
Title: Re: Aroids growing better in water?
Phalanopsis cannot sit in water and live very
long!!! I hope nobody took you literally.
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----- Original Message -----
Randall M.
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 12:04
Subject: Re: Aroids growing better in
Even epiphytic orchids, apparently. I saw several
yesterday at a friend's--including a
Phalaenopsis!Randy----------From: Neil Carroll To: Multiple
recipients of list AROID-L Subject: Re:
Aroids growing better in water?Date: Mon, May 27, 2002, 6:30
I would venture to say that just about ANY plant
can be grown in water (hydroponically). Neil
----- Original Message ----- From: Ron Iles
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 2:24 PMSubject: Re:
Aroids growing better in water?
I am still wondering....!
Put simply:
What terrestrial aroid species have you found to grow as well or
better in water?
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