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  Re: Amorphophallus Questions
From: "NAME \"Wilbert Hetterscheid\"" <W.HETTER at pbga.agro.nl> on 1997.07.08 at 22:41:43(926)
About dormancy in Amorphophallus:

Species from the monsoon areas in Asia and those from Africa in general
have a distinct rhythm of growth once newly collected. Most flower in spring
(as on the northern hemisphere) and in cultivation when not pollinated, will
produce a leaf in one or two months after that. The African species always
produce a leaf after/alongside flowering. The Asian monsoon species won't
produce a leaf when effectively fertilised, in the wild or in cultivation.

The everwet species have a tendency in cultivation to skip dormancy or keep
it very short, hence they should not be left to dry when dormancy sets in.
These species may even produce an inflorescence alongside an older leaf,
at which time the older leaf often decays or shortly after that.

In cultivation, after a few years there seems to develop a synchronicity in
flowering period, irrespective of origin of the species. here in Holland
ca. 80% of the species flower in spring from march to June. I suppose this
is the result of higher temperatures.

Hope this helps.


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