From: "Susan T. Staiger" ststaiger at> on 2002.10.03 at 16:18:14(9483)
Hi Petra,
You may not remember me ,but as an original member of IAS I've
encountered you at many annual dinners. Unfortunately ,I was unable to
attend this year because of a bad cold and I am not as active in aroid
activities as I once was. Watching everything go down during Andrew
convinced me that,after thirty-some years of intense plant mania,which
included orchids,bromeliads, well as aroids ,it was time to
relax and accept nature as the final authority. I love what has survived
and am thrilled with some of the surprises that pop up from time to
time,esp.during the summer... although some don't make it through the
dry season due to my neglect and the lack of a reliable irrigation
The 'Black Runner' source may have been Marilyn Johnson whom you have
probably met in the past.She brought back many new and wonderful plants
from her annual collecting trips. She is a superb grower and used to be
a vendor at the aroid show among others. I haven't seen her recently
but that's because I don't go to many plant related meetings,not because
she's not still growing,I'm sure. She is in the old yellow roster of
Marilyn Johnson
7002 SW 149 Terrace
Miami,FL 33158-2151
I'm sorry to have missed your extravaganza. It sounds like it was a
truly successful event.
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On Wednesday, October 2, 2002, at 09:54 AM, Petra Schmidt wrote:
I'm looking for a "woman grower in Miami" who supposedly was the
source of Colocasia 'Black Runner' - does anyone know anything about the
background of the plant and/or the originator of this plant?
Thanks for the help,
Susan T.Staiger
9220 SW 76 Terrace
Miami,FL 33173-3303