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Re: [aroid-l] U.S. gov't vs. konjac, again
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.11.09 at 12:58:09(9609)
Amazing! Just Amazing! 'They' are trying to save us from ourselves once
again! "They' suggest that kids don`t play with marbles, as they may try
to eat
them and choke. What ever happened to parents teaching kids to eat,
play and do things carefully??
I guess that if certain tropical fruits would grow here they would be
banned, their trees sprayed and eliminated! 'Chennets' (called 'ginips' in
Jamaica), commonly sold in Miami for the Latin population, sure can slip
down a kid`s throat, as can certain vars. of very small mango seeds! None
of my friends or myself were killed or had to be taken to the hospital, and
we ate a BUNCH of stuff like that!
Oh well, I guess America will survive without Konjac candy. Crazy stuff
out there, guys!
Pave it and build a parking lot??
| +More |
>>These are the 3 most important sentences from this article. I guess that
this age of homeland security, security starts at home-- with reporting
konjac to the government! But the idea of half a million dollars of konjac
boggles the mind.
Dangerous candy to be destroyed, US FDA says
WASHINGTON, Nov 6 (Reuters) -
The FDA said it had entered into a consent decree with New Choice Food Inc.
that will lead to the agency-supervised destruction of 13,000 cases of
mini-cup jelly candies, valued at about $500,000, that contain a thickening
agent called konjac.
"FDA has repeatedly warned consumers not to eat these candies. This warning
applies especially to children," FDA Deputy Commissioner Lester Crawford
in a statement.
The FDA urged consumers who see mini-cup jelly candies on store shelves to
contact the agency and provide details about the products and where they are
offered for sale.
11/06/02 20:06 ET
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