From: Alektra at on 2002.11.25 at 05:11:15(9639)
Thanks, everybody, for explaining about Epipremnum aureus (what I was
calling common pothos). Now about this "adult form" versus "juvenile form"
thing... I've also heard about this change in looks for common green vining
philodendrum (whatever THAT is really called).
And I think I've actually seen something like this sort of change in a very
unrelated houseplant, the thing sold as "aloe vera," so maybe this is not an
uncommon process across the vegetative world? Of course "aloe vera" doesn't
climb, but the change in appearance is very striking.
Let me review the process for aroids as I understand it, what we see growing
in the florist's little pot is a juvenile form that looks very little like
the adult. I sense from cryptic discussions I've read elsewhere that the
switch to an adult form requires at least a tall moist standard for the vine
to cling to and climb, plus copious amounts of sunlight.
Please correct me on the above. Then, my questions (sorry they're so basic
but I would guess there may be someone else on this list who doesn't know
this stuff), for anybody to answer:
1) Does this happen only to vining aroids?
2) Besides lots of light, does this also require lots of heat and numidity?
3) So can this be done indoors under home conditions without a greenhouse?
Can this be done in a greenhouse? Is this strictly for outdoors in tropical