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Re: [aroid-l] "SMELLY PLANT"
From: LMassey628 at aol.com on 2002.12.10 at 17:57:52(9705)
In a message dated 12/10/02 12:09:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,
PULCHRODEA@aol.com writes:
| +More |
> Ohhh these are not just any boring begonias you are growing...they
> are
> endangered and VERY special plants. Look into your local "rules", and use
> them to your advantage!!! This is NOT a communist country...we can
> actually
> engage in our own hobbies...really we can. It just seems odd when a good
> brave soul does, compared to all the other mindless drones out there. Don't
> let the boring people win!!!
> Love and Light*
> Anthony
Hi Anthony
Thank you for your encouragement. On Thursday morning I will find out if
they are fining me. It could be a hundred dollars a day or the fine
committee could just let the whole matter drop. Of course I am hoping that's
what happens. But under the Florida Taliban you never know.
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