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Re: [aroid-l] markers
From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2003.02.07 at 17:24:12(9942)
Very eloquent, Rand!
Just for my info, what sort of marker do you use? Two years ago I used a
Sharpie "permanent marker" which faded to illegible in two months. Last
year I used pencil, which was OK but I didn't have much confidence in it on
a permanent basis.
| +More |
I will
dutifully make the appropriate labels and use them freely, as I have
a large supply of markers and labels are cheap. And I actually do
want to know what I have, am growing, and be able to find good
information on them. Names are, indeed, important.
Rantless Rand
z5b (I wish) Maritime Canada
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