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Re: [aroid-l] markers
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2003.02.09 at 19:47:37(9955)
I have learned that the brand doesnt' matter as long as it says "No
xylene/toluene added". Markers with that qualification have always proven to
be extremely good. I have labels that are 13 years old that are still as
readable as when they were written.
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> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l-owner@lists.ncsu.edu
> [mailto:aroid-l-owner@lists.ncsu.edu]Namens Rand Nicholson
> Verzonden: zondag 9 februari 2003 3:09
> Aan: aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu
> Onderwerp: Re: [aroid-l] markers
> Hi Susan:
> I use a Sharpie. This does not sound very helpful, does it?
> The difference may be that they are fine point permanent cloth
> markers that can be found anywhere sewing materials or art supplies
> are sold. This is used on very cheap white plastic labels and I find
> that the labels usually disintegrate (about four years if a squirrel
> doesn't make off with them first), or become too brittle to be
> useful, before the writing fades.
> Rand
> >Very eloquent, Rand!
> >Just for my info, what sort of marker do you use? Two years
> ago I used a
> >Sharpie "permanent marker" which faded to illegible in two
> months. Last
> >year I used pencil, which was OK but I didn't have much
> confidence in it on
> >a permanent basis.
> >Susan
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