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Re: [aroid-l] New links 'n stuff, correction
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2003.02.12 at 17:14:15(9970)
In my enumeration of people who contributed by sending scans, I forgot to
mention Kris Kozminsky, for a number of great scans! Sorry Kris, corrected
as of now.
| +More |
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l-owner@lists.ncsu.edu
> [mailto:aroid-l-owner@lists.ncsu.edu]Namens Wilbert Hetterscheid
> Verzonden: dinsdag 11 februari 2003 20:07
> Aan: 'Aroid-l'; 'Arisaema-l'
> Onderwerp: [aroid-l] New links 'n stuff
> Peoples,
> Thanks to the generosity of Anne Chambers, Jim McClements,
> Marc Gibernau and
> Guy Gusman, there are several new links on line. They will be
> famous soon,
> so join them and see if you have fine scans for the website.
> 1) several extras in Arisaema (new links and added pictures:
> omkoiense,
> triphyllum, erubescsnce, wardii, franchetianum, candissimum, ciliatum,
> concinnum, flavum, limbatum, lobatum, saxatile, sazensoo, serratum
> mayebarae)
> 2) then new links in the genera Dracunculus, Helicodiceros, Arum.
> In the process: new Arums (by Arno Clement), Ulearum, Mangonia,
> Pseudohydrosme, Pycnospatha, Spathantheum and Taccarum.
> Till the next update.
> Wilbert
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