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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
The 3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
From: jimjim at sky.net (James W. Waddick) on 1996.12.28 at 03:50:02(5)
Dear Aroiders and especially Ray and Wilbert;
I have been biting my lip over all this taxonomy talk, but Ray's
comment on a "Rose by any other name" sort of got to me. Ray do you mean a
"Rosa", "Rhodondendron", "Aptenia"," Arethusa" or any of the other twenty +
genera listed under "Rose" in Hortus III?
We aroid-lers forget sometimes we are an elite group and throw
around generic names like common names. So we can loosely call an Arum an
Arum -but not by any other name.
In the professional world of looking at plants and their names
there are "3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse" - activities which amateurs tend
to combine, confuse or synonomize - Systematics, Taxonomy and Nomenclature.
In the best of all possible worlds, these are harmonius and reflect
the real world. Where the commmon name, scientific name and the meaning of
the name are clear, solid and unconfusing; however I can't think of an
example off hand. Isn't there some monotypic genus that is common and a
household word?
[My favorite mis-nomer here is "Nasturtium" (italics, please) the generic
name of the Water Cress. The common name Nasturtium is of course,
Tropaeolum (italics)- a serious historical confusion.]
Anyway, every taxonomist, must justify their placement of a name on
a biological entity using the tools of systematics and an understanding of
the rules of Nomenclature (at least we have the "International Code for
Botanical Nomenclature"[ICBN] as a guide to this aspect of the problem).
The more the relationships of names resembles the realities of nature, the
more "sensible" a system of relationships is explained, the more likely the
names will be understood and accepted by science and amateur gardeners
Without going into all the vagaries and excpetions - and there are
way too many -...and to get to the point.. Wilbert's proposed name change
reflects his view of the relationships of one species to a number of
others. Once he has published his reason for this view, the acceptance of
any changes is out there hanging in the breeze.
Gardeners and especially anyone commercially involved in a name
change are hard audiences to budge. The scientific community may
immediatley say "AHA! and Of Course", but it may still take decades or
never to get changes/corections into the main stream.
As a dabbler in the world of professional taxonomy and systematics,
I think it is awfully brave of Wilbert to just throw out his proposal to
the mixed bag or aroid-lers. Gardeners who don't want to change their label
for any reason., nurserymen who won't order new labels for all the ir
plants-customers don't even want to know any scientific name-let alone a
new one and...well etc etc. etc.
I am also impressed at how well some aroid-lers understand the
subtleties of the problem and others just don't fathom all the troubles
here. Quite a mixed bag.
I say, lete's give Wilbert the time to give us the facts when their
time is right, then let another botanist propose a more sensible
alternative - or hopefully not again!
Best wishes for a Happy New Year to all
Jim W.
| +More |
ps There is no Dark "SIDE" of taxonomy , it is all "DARK"- Arcane spells,
demons in laboratories and mystical languages. You must be trained in the
use of The Force... or just belive.
James L. Murrain Voice: 816 746 1949
James W. Waddick E-MAIL: jimjim@sky.net
8871 NW Brostrom Rd Fax: 816 746 1939
Kansas City MO 64152
From: Endangered Species <especies at ix.netcom.com> on 1996.12.28 at 05:38:46(12)
At 09:49 PM 12/27/96 -0600, James W. Waddick wrote:
>Dear Aroiders and especially Ray and Wilbert;
> I have been biting my lip over all this taxonomy talk, but Ray's
>comment on a "Rose by any other name" sort of got to me. Ray do you mean a
>"Rosa", "Rhodondendron", "Aptenia"," Arethusa" or any of the other twenty +
>genera listed under "Rose" in Hortus III?
> We aroid-lers forget sometimes we are an elite group and throw
>around generic names like common names. So we can loosely call an Arum an
>Arum -but not by any other name.
> In the professional world of looking at plants and their names
>there are "3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse" - activities which amateurs tend
>to combine, confuse or synonomize - Systematics, Taxonomy and Nomenclature.
> In the best of all possible worlds, these are harmonius and reflect
>the real world. Where the commmon name, scientific name and the meaning of
>the name are clear, solid and unconfusing; however I can't think of an
>example off hand. Isn't there some monotypic genus that is common and a
>household word?
| +More |
>[My favorite mis-nomer here is "Nasturtium" (italics, please) the generic
>name of the Water Cress. The common name Nasturtium is of course,
>Tropaeolum (italics)- a serious historical confusion.]
> Anyway, every taxonomist, must justify their placement of a name on
>a biological entity using the tools of systematics and an understanding of
>the rules of Nomenclature (at least we have the "International Code for
>Botanical Nomenclature"[ICBN] as a guide to this aspect of the problem).
>The more the relationships of names resembles the realities of nature, the
>more "sensible" a system of relationships is explained, the more likely the
>names will be understood and accepted by science and amateur gardeners
> Without going into all the vagaries and excpetions - and there are
>way too many -...and to get to the point.. Wilbert's proposed name change
>reflects his view of the relationships of one species to a number of
>others. Once he has published his reason for this view, the acceptance of
>any changes is out there hanging in the breeze.
> Gardeners and especially anyone commercially involved in a name
>change are hard audiences to budge. The scientific community may
>immediatley say "AHA! and Of Course", but it may still take decades or
>never to get changes/corections into the main stream.
> As a dabbler in the world of professional taxonomy and systematics,
>I think it is awfully brave of Wilbert to just throw out his proposal to
>the mixed bag or aroid-lers. Gardeners who don't want to change their label
>for any reason., nurserymen who won't order new labels for all the ir
>plants-customers don't even want to know any scientific name-let alone a
>new one and...well etc etc. etc.
> I am also impressed at how well some aroid-lers understand the
>subtleties of the problem and others just don't fathom all the troubles
>here. Quite a mixed bag.
> I say, lete's give Wilbert the time to give us the facts when their
>time is right, then let another botanist propose a more sensible
>alternative - or hopefully not again!
> Best wishes for a Happy New Year to all
> Jim W.
>ps There is no Dark "SIDE" of taxonomy , it is all "DARK"- Arcane spells,
>demons in laboratories and mystical languages. You must be trained in the
>use of The Force... or just belive.
>James L. Murrain Voice: 816 746 1949
>James W. Waddick E-MAIL: jimjim@sky.net
>8871 NW Brostrom Rd Fax: 816 746 1939
>Kansas City MO 64152
The fourth horseman is Tonto
From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1996.12.28 at 19:46:13(14)
You guys need to lighten up a bit. I sent Wilbert a note telling him he
is my Hero. Anyway, I do like Lenten Roses too, but I must admit they're
not as sweet smelling as the Rosa kind.
Order is a wonderful thing. If only we could streighten up the Arisaema
species name mess. Guy Gusman is also my Hero. He's working at it.
| +More |
From: MJ Hatfield <oneota at ames.net> on 1997.05.30 at 13:47:52(777)
On 10/12/96 I planted seed of Arum cyrenaicum. They grew and are now
dormant. What should I do? I'm afraid that my copy of "The Genus Arum"
has not yet arrived and I am unfamiliar with this plant. Help!
Thank you.
MJ Hatfield
| |
From: "Scott Lucas" <htbg at ilhawaii.net> on 1997.05.30 at 18:08:51(778)
Dear MJ Hatfield:
In reply to your interest in the horticulture of Arum cyrenaicum, the only
member of the genus native to Africa and occurs in the coastal regions of
Lybia, we do not have any specific information regarding this species.
However, general horticultural practices that typify growing all members of
the genus are described in the New York Botanical Garden Encyclopedia of
Horticulture, where it states: "The tubers must be planted deep enough to
allow for the development of roots from their upper sides. An annual mulch
of leaf mold, peat moss, ... may be needed. Care must be taken that the
soil is moist at all times when foliage is in evidence. When grown in pots
or pans, good drainage is necessary. A fertile soil containing generous
amounts of peat moss or leaf mold is used. Potting and repotting is done
in fall or winter before new growth begins. When is active growth potted
specimens benefit from applications of dilute liquid fertilizer. As the
leaves die naturally, watering is gradually reduced and finally withheld
altogether and the soil kept dry until the beginning of the next growth
I hope the foregoing is of some help.
Scott Lucas
| +More |
> From: MJ Hatfield
> To: htbg@ilhawaii.net
> Subject: ?
> Date: Friday, May 30, 1997 3:49 AM
> On 10/12/96 I planted seed of Arum cyrenaicum. They grew and are now
> dormant. What should I do? I'm afraid that my copy of "The Genus Arum"
> has not yet arrived and I am unfamiliar with this plant. Help!
> Thank you.
> MJ Hatfield
From: "Peter Boyce" <P.Boyce at lion.rbgkew.org.uk> on 1997.05.30 at 18:13:31(779)
Dear M.J. Hatfield
Do nothing! Keep the pot dry but cool (don't allow it to bake). In
mid-July empty the pot and carefully remove the tubers. Replant them
in your standard arum-growing mix at about 2.5 cm depth c. 5 tubers
to a 10 cm pot and give the pot a good water. The new growth will
soon appear and one it does grow them vigorously in good light with
feed every other watering. It may even pay you to pot them on
(without disturbing the tubers) into a 15 cm pot about half-way
through the growing season and continue to keep them growing. next
year do exactly the same but when you come to re-pot in mid-july
you'll probably need to do one tuber to a 8 cm pot and to pot that on
(again without disturbing) into a 15. By the third year some of the
more vigorous tubers will probably flower.
| +More |
Peter Boyce
Royal Botanic Gardens
From: "Peter Boyce" <P.Boyce at lion.rbgkew.org.uk> on 1997.06.02 at 14:48:43(787)
Dear All
Further to Scott Lucas' reply to M.J. Hatfield, Arum cyrenaicum is
not the only species native to Arfica. The widespread Arum italicum
is in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria and Arum hygrophilum as an outpost
in Morocco, where it has been called Arum hygrophilum subsp. maurum.
| +More |
Peter Boyce
Royal Botanic Gardens
From: Don Burns donburns at macconnect.com> on 2000.05.24 at 21:50:00(4625)
Your messge about coconut fiber cannot be posted to the mail list because
it contains hypertext. Can you please resend the message using plain text
| +More |
Don Burns
Fort Lauderdale FL USA
Zone 10b
From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2001.06.20 at 15:17:48(6767)
Well, if ever a Titan bloom could be called "cute", yours is, Kathy!
Susan Cooper
| +More |
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 1:45 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Aroiders-Check out these 2 sites today for the
University's "little" 10 pound tuber that bloomed
www.post-dispatch.com/news (look for the "UM-SL
Scores Low on the Smell Test" story)
-Kathy Upton
Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
From: Betsy Feuerstein ecuador at midsouth.rr.com> on 2001.08.23 at 01:23:34(7279)
It might be interesting, who knows?
| +More |
patricia frank wrote:
> All USA Members'
> In addition to receiving our current Newsletter via Bulk Mail as oppose to
> First Class, you will also be receiving THE HERALD the Publication of the
> Peace Corps Association. Our PRINTER is NOT having a good week. Tricia
> _________________________________________________________________
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
From: Jill Bell godjillab at home.com> on 2001.08.23 at 03:24:40(7282)
I got the Herald INSTEAD of my Newsletter, and I helped put the thing
together. The mailmen certainly play fair and square.
By the way, the Herald IS interesting.
Jill Bell
| +More |
Illustration, Graphic Design, Web Design and Digital Photography
on 8/22/01 9:23 PM, Betsy Feuerstein at ecuador@midsouth.rr.com wrote:
> It might be interesting, who knows?
> Betsy
> patricia frank wrote:
>> All USA Members'
>> In addition to receiving our current Newsletter via Bulk Mail as oppose to
>> First Class, you will also be receiving THE HERALD the Publication of the
>> Peace Corps Association. Our PRINTER is NOT having a good week. Tricia
>> _________________________________________________________________
>> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.08.23 at 15:30:07(7286)
Dear Folks,
Yes, it is interesting but i sure would like to see the Newsletter, my comp
will not d/load the elec. copy, and I WILL not fight with it any longer.
| +More |
>>I got the Herald INSTEAD of my Newsletter, and I helped put the thing
together. The mailmen certainly play fair and square.
By the way, the Herald IS interesting.
Jill Bell
Illustration, Graphic Design, Web Design and Digital Photography
on 8/22/01 9:23 PM, Betsy Feuerstein at ecuador@midsouth.rr.com wrote:
> It might be interesting, who knows?
> Betsy
> patricia frank wrote:
>> All USA Members'
>> In addition to receiving our current Newsletter via Bulk Mail as oppose
>> First Class, you will also be receiving THE HERALD the Publication of the
>> Peace Corps Association. Our PRINTER is NOT having a good week. Tricia
>> _________________________________________________________________
>> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
From: StellrJ at aol.com on 2001.08.23 at 22:36:55(7292)
In a message dated Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:24:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Jill Bell writes:
> I got the Herald INSTEAD of my Newsletter, and I helped put the thing
> together. The mailmen certainly play fair and square.
> By the way, the Herald IS interesting.
In previous years, I do not remember seeing SO much discussion of the Newsletter. Why this sudden wave of interest in its minutiae? Is it because of the new Editor?
| |
From: Susan Cooper coops at execpc.com> on 2001.08.24 at 03:40:58(7294)
>In previous years, I do not remember seeing SO much discussion of the
Newsletter. Why this sudden wave of interest in its minutiae? Is it
because of the new Editor?
Please don't give him any more ammo for his ego! ;0
I too received the Herald. It was interesting reading
| |
From: Jill Bell godjillab at home.com> on 2001.08.24 at 03:42:15(7295)
Perhaps you might be surprised.
Best regards,
Jill Bell
| +More |
Illustration, Graphic Design, Web Design and Digital Photography
on 8/23/01 6:36 PM, StellrJ@aol.com at StellrJ@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:24:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Jill
> Bell writes:
>> I got the Herald INSTEAD of my Newsletter, and I helped put the thing
>> together. The mailmen certainly play fair and square.
>> By the way, the Herald IS interesting.
> In previous years, I do not remember seeing SO much discussion of the
> Newsletter. Why this sudden wave of interest in its minutiae? Is it because
> of the new Editor?
From: "joanwall" jfwall at mindspring.com> on 2001.08.24 at 03:45:05(7298)
It might be because I still haven't gotten mine but I did get the Herald
today. I have been on line and printed it out so it's okay, but the printer
should also send them out.
| |
From: "Deni Bown" deni at yaxhampark.co.uk> on 2001.09.04 at 13:28:20(7322)
Hello Tricia,
My snailmail copy arrived here in England yesterday, 30 August. It looks
brilliant - I love the graphics so a big thank you to Jill. Good reading
too, so full marks all round.
Very sorry to say I can't make it to the Show this year as the diary is just
too full but will be stopping off in Miami for a couple of days en route for
Peru in October, so hope to see some of you briefly then. Hope y'all have a
great weekend.
Best wishes,
Deni Bown
| +More |
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 17 August 2001 23:59
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Hi All,
Here we go again, has anyone received their snail mail copy of the
newsletter? It went out Tue Aug 14 by First class mail. The International
did not get picked up until Thur, but I would love to hear when they arrive.
Aroideana will be mailed out on Aug 29 for all the 2001 members.
For Members there is also a treat of a beautiful color copy of the current
newsletter(see Scott's previous post)on the web-site.
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
From: "Celeste Whitlow" politicalamazon at charter.net> on 2002.03.09 at 04:06:47(8265)
First of all, let me apologize for having the html format enabled. I
thought I had selected "plaint text" when I set up this program, but I don't
use it very often so obviously made an error.
| +More |
I am new to the adroid gig, and am ready to plant my first Amorphophallus
henryi tuber. Any suggestions? Depth to plant it? I was told that the
soil should be 68 degrees before planting, and we are just about there.
Sign me,
Hopping one one foot, eager to plant my first Amorphophallus,
From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2002.05.29 at 04:09:32(8920)
So which aroids can grow
"water roots" slowly for themselves & which can then flourish forever
with those roots in water?
And "Hi, Julius"!
Is the "Julius Pot" the basis for a major revolution in which suitably
willing & wayward aroids learn to luxuriate in water? As a
result of your design, & not having pumice/lava rock I am working on a JP Mk
II prototype to challenge the unwillingness of
my decadent hybrids.
| +More |
(Krakatoa Inc. Shareholder)
From: "Leo A. Martin" leo1010 at attglobal.net> on 2002.08.18 at 16:59:29(9207)
I would vote for no attachments, but perhaps an area where attachments screened for viruses could be posted.
Attachments spread viruses. Those of you unfortunate enough to be using some flavor of Outlook are at high risk. Remember that free is not always the best option with an E-mail program.
People outside the US usually have to pay for online connection time by the minute. Photos are expensive to download.
Photos are not necessarily of interest to all. I'm interested in the stinky aroids but think anthuriums are as interesting as dandelions, bowling, or rap music. Others don't share my opinions. I know it's hard for y'all to believe we don't want to see ALL your photos but it's true.
The cycad list (on Yahoo Groups) permits attachments and almost every week viruses are spread through the list. Some unwary list members have had awful problems. I haven't been troubled by them because I get the digest version of cycads, which comes with no attachments. Plus I don't use Outlook, "the hacker's path to your hard disk"(tm).
cacti_etc does not permit attachments and there is no space for posting them on the Agilent server. People who wish to post photos always seem to find a way to do so someplace, then post the URL in a message to cacti_etc.
Yahoo groups, a barely serviceable but wretched list service (get ready for oceans of spam with Yahoo), allows each list a file area. People upload the file, then compose the message with a statement about the file in question.
| +More |
Leo A. Martin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Like cactus and succulents?
Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society
Alan Galloway wrote:
> My fingers got to happy a few moments ago with the Delete
> key and I deleted a message I wanted to reply to. Hence this
> isn't a reply, as it should have been.
> Someone asked if the new Aroid-l would handle pictures......
> This new listserv certainly has the ability to handle pictures as
> well as many, many other options. Because the Mobot server
> had been down for a few days longer than expected, we hurriedly
> switched the list over to the NCSU server. This was done
> much sooner than we had planned. The moderators have been
> testing a number of options to find out it they should be incorporated
> into the new listserv.
> As of right now, we are just trying to make the new listserv look like the
> old listserv. As time permits we will continue with further testing of
> new options.
> There are a number of things we have to take into consideration when
> it comes to allowing pictures to be posted to the list,
> including such things as (but not limited to):
> - viruses can easily be transmitted within images
> - everyone doesn't have fast access to download large images
> - what standard format should be set
> - the amount of space required to archive messages with pictures
> in them.
> We will continue to improve the service of the Aroid-l mailing list as
> well as implement as many new features as 'reasonably' possible.
> Alan
From: "Alan Galloway" alan_galloway at bellsouth.net> on 2002.08.18 at 18:56:04(9214)
My fingers got to happy a few moments ago with the Delete
key and I deleted a message I wanted to reply to. Hence this
isn't a reply, as it should have been.
Someone asked if the new Aroid-l would handle pictures......
This new listserv certainly has the ability to handle pictures as
well as many, many other options. Because the Mobot server
had been down for a few days longer than expected, we hurriedly
switched the list over to the NCSU server. This was done
much sooner than we had planned. The moderators have been
testing a number of options to find out it they should be incorporated
into the new listserv.
As of right now, we are just trying to make the new listserv look like the
old listserv. As time permits we will continue with further testing of
new options.
| +More |
There are a number of things we have to take into consideration when
it comes to allowing pictures to be posted to the list,
including such things as (but not limited to):
- viruses can easily be transmitted within images
- everyone doesn't have fast access to download large images
- what standard format should be set
- the amount of space required to archive messages with pictures
in them.
We will continue to improve the service of the Aroid-l mailing list as
well as implement as many new features as 'reasonably' possible.
From: Don Martinson llmen at wi.rr.com> on 2002.08.18 at 21:46:37(9219)
One of the easiest solutions is for folks to learn how to post
digital photos on their own server sites. While I cannot speak for
overseas, almost every service provider in my area provides some
storage 4-8 MB or so, whicht a subscriber can use for a web page or
whatever. You do not have to have a web site set up or even to learn
html to simply post an image, then posting a link to that photo in an
e-mail, leaving it up to each individual whether they wish to look at
that link or not
I also hate to be in a position for defending Yahoo groups, but yet I
have had few, if any problems. Managing your account for, say,
digest vs individual e-mail is much easier that sending somewhat
arcane instructions to a listserv. Regarding spam, evidently many
are not aware that several months ago, Yahoo changed virtually all
individual preferences back to being willing to receive other types
of mail, even if you had checked NO when subscribing. Everyone
belonging to a Yahoo Group should check your preferences every few
weeks. I caught this early, being warned by another group, and I
receive virtually no spam.
Aroid-l is lucky in its association with hort.net so that the
archives may searched easily. For may other listservs, archive
searching can be a real pain.
Don Martinson
| +More |
Milwaukee, WI
I would vote for no attachments, but perhaps an area where
attachments screened for viruses could be posted.
Attachments spread viruses. Those of you unfortunate enough to be
using some flavor of Outlook are at high risk. Remember that free is
not always the best option with an E-mail program.
People outside the US usually have to pay for online connection time
by the minute. Photos are expensive to download.
Photos are not necessarily of interest to all. I'm interested in the
stinky aroids but think anthuriums are as interesting as dandelions,
bowling, or rap music. Others don't share my opinions. I know it's
hard for y'all to believe we don't want to see ALL your photos but
it's true.
The cycad list (on Yahoo Groups) permits attachments and almost
every week viruses are spread through the list. Some unwary list
members have had awful problems. I haven't been troubled by them
because I get the digest version of cycads, which comes with no
attachments. Plus I don't use Outlook, "the hacker's path to your
hard disk"(tm).
cacti_etc does not permit attachments and there is no space for
posting them on the Agilent server. People who wish to post photos
always seem to find a way to do so someplace, then post the URL in a
message to cacti_etc.
Yahoo groups, a barely serviceable but wretched list service (get
ready for oceans of spam with Yahoo), allows each list a file area.
People upload the file, then compose the message with a statement
about the file in question.
Leo A. Martin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
From: Krzysztof Kozminski kk at kozminski.com> on 2002.08.19 at 01:14:37(9222)
On Sunday, August 18, 2002, at 11:56 AM, Alan Galloway wrote:
There are a number of things we have to take into consideration when
it comes to allowing pictures to be posted to the list,
including such things as (but not limited to):
- viruses can easily be transmitted within images
Uh, I doubt it very much. Images are usually data, not
executables. Could you provide a reference to a single virus
spread, e.g., by embedding in JPEG? I tried to find one via
Google, and did not succeed.
Doesn't matter anyhow, being nice to people with slow modems is a
good enough reason not to allow large messages.
- everyone doesn't have fast access to download large images
Yup, this, IMHO, trumps any arguments for allowing images. Mine
(below) included :-)
| +More |
- what standard format should be set
Easy: JPEG.
- the amount of space required to archive messages with pictures
in them.
As the CarTalk guys say: booooogus! A 80GB disk is nowadays about
$120 according to yahoo shopping. My entire website
(http://www.kozminski.com/Araceae/) is about 10 MB, with over 400
photos on it. You can archive an equivalent of eight thousands of
such websites on a disk that can be purchased with savings obtained
from getting just 15% of IAS Newsletter subscribers opting out of
receiving the hard copies (and this is just from a single mailing).
A 5-megapixel image saved in medium-quality JPEG in photoshop
produces 10x8 prints that are nearly photo-quality, and you have to
have a very busy photo to reach 800 kB. The aforementioned disk
can store a hundred thousands of such images. Note: a 1600x1200
display, larger than what most people use, will show only about 36%
of that image.
We can only wish for sufficient traffic in high-quality aroid
imagery to became an archiving issue:-)
"Micro$oft is to software engineering what McDonald$ is to gourmet
From: Steve Marak samarak at arachne.uark.edu> on 2002.08.19 at 03:04:55(9224)
Krzysztof, and everyone,
Without turning this into a technical discussion of vira, you are of
course technically correct - so long as data is not EXECUTED, it really
doesn't matter if it's a virus or not, so true image files can't carry a
virus without some sort of auxillary mechanism to extract and execute it.
And I'm not aware of any in-the-wild vira written to be hidden in image
file types for that reason.
But, as you no doubt know, there are many vira for the Windows world which
work by appearing to the unsuspecting user as an image or audio or text
file while actually being executable. It's not actually a virus in an
image file, but it sure looks that way to the victim.
I think what Alan was getting at - as he, Scott, and I have discussed - is
that for all practical purposes, if we start allowing any sort of
attachments on Aroid-L, to some degree we're now playing the virus game.
Neither we nor NCSU, obviously, can take any responsibility for whether a
virus slips through and damages someone's system. But with text only the
odds are very very much in our favor. With attachments ... do we blow
everything out to you guys without even looking at it? Doesn't sound
right. Do we take the time to look at every JPEG that comes through, to be
sure that "pycnospatha.JPEG" is really that and not something from a XXX
adult site, or a hot stock tip?
Several lists I'm on disallow images on the main list, but set up a second
list specifically for images. Those who wish - and have the access speed
to support it - can join, those who don't don't. We've thought about that,
but were concerned that it might inadvertantly take some discussion with
it. Comments?
| +More |
On Sun, 18 Aug 2002, Krzysztof Kozminski wrote:
> On Sunday, August 18, 2002, at 11:56 AM, Alan Galloway wrote:
> > There are a number of things we have to take into consideration when
> > it comes to allowing pictures to be posted to the list,
> > including such things as (but not limited to):
> > - viruses can easily be transmitted within images
> Uh, I doubt it very much. Images are usually data, not executables.
> Could you provide a reference to a single virus spread, e.g., by
> Doesn't matter anyhow, being nice to people with slow modems is a
> good enough reason not to allow large messages.
> > - everyone doesn't have fast access to download large images
> Yup, this, IMHO, trumps any arguments for allowing images. Mine
> (below) included :-)
> > - what standard format should be set
> Easy: JPEG.
> > - the amount of space required to archive messages with pictures
> > in them.
> As the CarTalk guys say: booooogus! A 80GB disk is nowadays about
> $120 according to yahoo shopping. My entire website
-- Steve Marak
-- samarak@arachne.uark.edu
From: Krzysztof Kozminski kk at kozminski.com> on 2002.08.19 at 03:08:34(9225)
On Sunday, August 18, 2002, at 02:46 PM, Don Martinson wrote:
One of the easiest solutions is for folks to learn how to post
digital photos on their own server sites.
Indeed, and if the ISP does not give you any space, look up one of
about 100 available free photo exchange sites, upload photos there,
and just post the URL to the photo.
You can find plenty of sites to choose from in this area on Google:
| +More |
If the above link is broken because of the line length, try this:
The only problem with many of these sites is that you can get
yourself on various junk mail lists. Here's one way to avoid this.
1) Use one of these free 30-day trial subscriptions that America
Online sends out every now and then to set up an AOL account.
2) Use the AOL email to set up an account on yahoo. You need a
valid email other than yahoo to set it up. Set up yahoo email.
Just in case, make sure to opt out from all announcements sent out
by yahoo. Do not forget your password, because any reminders would
be sent by yahoo to the AOL address, which is just about to become
3) Cancel the AOL trial subscription. Now all junk from yahoo will
hit a black hole. You also will have a yahoo email address that you
can use to sign into other places likely to put you on junk email
lists. Just remember to trash your yahoo mailbox periodically
wihout reading.
"Micro$oft is to software engineering what McDonald$ is to gourmet
From: Krzysztof Kozminski kk at kozminski.com> on 2002.08.19 at 04:22:58(9228)
On Sunday, August 18, 2002, at 08:04 PM, Steve Marak wrote:
if we start allowing any sort of
| +More |
attachments on Aroid-L, to some degree we're now playing the virus
Indeed, although it should be fairly simple to set up a list server
to pass only attachments with appropriate Contents-Type field
(perhaps also checking whether the attached contents indeed is JPEG
format). It would be disappointing if majordomo could not do this.
Anyhow, I am against attachments on the simple principle of making
this list usable to everyone with a slow modem, whether or not such
list could be virus-proof. My question about viruses embedded in
images was caused by simple curiosity (while I could imagine a
corrupted data file overflowing buffers in a reader and thus
gaining a foothold, I have not heard of this being done with image
"Micro$oft is to software engineering what McDonald$ is to gourmet
From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2002.08.19 at 12:29:36(9230)
I've never heard of viruses being sent via a .jpg file
If you receive an exe file just delete it.
So many of the postings involve a "what is it" type of question I think
being able to post pictures would be helpful.
| +More |
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 5:28 PM
To: aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] images on Aroid-l
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] images on Aroid-l
GOOD advice re: the attachments/virus problem! Just a week or so ago
someone posted an attachment to the bulbous aroids web list that we STRONGLY
suspected was a virus, I like the aroid-l list where we have the option to
send photos to Les Kallus to be checked, and if found to be 'clean', these
are posted where they may be accessed by aroid-l users.
Keep up the good advice, Leo!!!
>>I would vote for no attachments, but perhaps an area where attachments
screened for viruses could be posted.
Attachments spread viruses. Those of you unfortunate enough to be using some
flavor of Outlook are at high risk. Remember that free is not always the
best option with an E-mail program.
People outside the US usually have to pay for online connection time by the
minute. Photos are expensive to download.
Photos are not necessarily of interest to all. I'm interested in the stinky
aroids but think anthuriums are as interesting as dandelions, bowling, or
rap music. Others don't share my opinions. I know it's hard for y'all to
believe we don't want to see ALL your photos but it's true.
The cycad list (on Yahoo Groups) permits attachments and almost every week
viruses are spread through the list. Some unwary list members have had awful
problems. I haven't been troubled by them because I get the digest version
of cycads, which comes with no attachments. Plus I don't use Outlook, "the
hacker's path to your hard disk"(tm).
cacti_etc does not permit attachments and there is no space for posting them
on the Agilent server. People who wish to post photos always seem to find a
way to do so someplace, then post the URL in a message to cacti_etc.
Yahoo groups, a barely serviceable but wretched list service (get ready for
oceans of spam with Yahoo), allows each list a file area. People upload the
file, then compose the message with a statement about the file in question.
Leo A. Martin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Like cactus and succulents?
Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society
Alan Galloway wrote:
> My fingers got to happy a few moments ago with the Delete
> key and I deleted a message I wanted to reply to. Hence this
> isn't a reply, as it should have been.
> Someone asked if the new Aroid-l would handle pictures......
> This new listserv certainly has the ability to handle pictures as
> well as many, many other options. Because the Mobot server
> had been down for a few days longer than expected, we hurriedly
> switched the list over to the NCSU server. This was done
> much sooner than we had planned. The moderators have been
> testing a number of options to find out it they should be incorporated
> into the new listserv.
> As of right now, we are just trying to make the new listserv look like the
> old listserv. As time permits we will continue with further testing of
> new options.
> There are a number of things we have to take into consideration when
> it comes to allowing pictures to be posted to the list,
> including such things as (but not limited to):
> - viruses can easily be transmitted within images
> - everyone doesn't have fast access to download large images
> - what standard format should be set
> - the amount of space required to archive messages with pictures
> in them.
> We will continue to improve the service of the Aroid-l mailing list as
> well as implement as many new features as 'reasonably' possible.
> Alan
From: Paul Tyerman ptyerman at ozemail.com.au> on 2002.08.19 at 13:13:50(9231)
Howdy Alan, Steve etc,
If there does end up being attachments allowed on this list, is there an
area it can be viewed online? I know with the yahoogroups, those which
permit attachments I view up on the wedsite, rather than downloading in
email. Saves me a lot of download time on the modem, and I can work out
which pictures I actually want to see rather than receiving everything. If
there is no option to be able to view on the website rather than receive
via email, then I for one would discontinue receiving this list. It just
takes too much time to download attachments, particularly when some of them
may be of no interest (as is the case with any list..... but at least with
other lists it is easy to delete without having to wait for attachements to
download before you can read them ).
Just another point of view. If there is a place where it can easily be
viewed online instead, then those who don't want to receive attachments in
their email can go there and look. It works out quite well, providing it
is easy to do.
Paul Tyerman
| +More |
Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9
Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus,
Cyrtanthus, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything
else that doesn't move!!!!!
From: "Harry Witmore" harrywitmore at witmore.net> on 2002.08.19 at 16:34:02(9233)
A while back I built a simple page to allow a fellow enthusiast to post
pictures on the web for ID purposes. This was for plants of all kinds.
Anyone is welcome to use it and should be easily able to send links to
others. I would appreciate though if you post there to please only post jpg
files and to try and keep the size to under 100kb. This can be accomplished
by resizing or using higher compression.
Harry Witmore
| +More |
Cloud Jungle Art
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:aroid-l-owner@lists.ncsu.edu]On Behalf Of Cooper, Susan L.
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 8:30 AM
To: 'aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu'
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] images on Aroid-l
I've never heard of viruses being sent via a .jpg file
If you receive an exe file just delete it.
So many of the postings involve a "what is it" type of question I think
being able to post pictures would be helpful.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 5:28 PM
To: aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] images on Aroid-l
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] images on Aroid-l
GOOD advice re: the attachments/virus problem! Just a week or so ago
someone posted an attachment to the bulbous aroids web list that we STRONGLY
suspected was a virus, I like the aroid-l list where we have the option to
send photos to Les Kallus to be checked, and if found to be 'clean', these
are posted where they may be accessed by aroid-l users.
Keep up the good advice, Leo!!!
>>I would vote for no attachments, but perhaps an area where attachments
screened for viruses could be posted.
Attachments spread viruses. Those of you unfortunate enough to be using some
flavor of Outlook are at high risk. Remember that free is not always the
best option with an E-mail program.
People outside the US usually have to pay for online connection time by the
minute. Photos are expensive to download.
Photos are not necessarily of interest to all. I'm interested in the stinky
aroids but think anthuriums are as interesting as dandelions, bowling, or
rap music. Others don't share my opinions. I know it's hard for y'all to
believe we don't want to see ALL your photos but it's true.
The cycad list (on Yahoo Groups) permits attachments and almost every week
viruses are spread through the list. Some unwary list members have had awful
problems. I haven't been troubled by them because I get the digest version
of cycads, which comes with no attachments. Plus I don't use Outlook, "the
hacker's path to your hard disk"(tm).
cacti_etc does not permit attachments and there is no space for posting them
on the Agilent server. People who wish to post photos always seem to find a
way to do so someplace, then post the URL in a message to cacti_etc.
Yahoo groups, a barely serviceable but wretched list service (get ready for
oceans of spam with Yahoo), allows each list a file area. People upload the
file, then compose the message with a statement about the file in question.
Leo A. Martin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Like cactus and succulents?
Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society
Alan Galloway wrote:
> My fingers got to happy a few moments ago with the Delete
> key and I deleted a message I wanted to reply to. Hence this
> isn't a reply, as it should have been.
> Someone asked if the new Aroid-l would handle pictures......
> This new listserv certainly has the ability to handle pictures as
> well as many, many other options. Because the Mobot server
> had been down for a few days longer than expected, we hurriedly
> switched the list over to the NCSU server. This was done
> much sooner than we had planned. The moderators have been
> testing a number of options to find out it they should be incorporated
> into the new listserv.
> As of right now, we are just trying to make the new listserv look like the
> old listserv. As time permits we will continue with further testing of
> new options.
> There are a number of things we have to take into consideration when
> it comes to allowing pictures to be posted to the list,
> including such things as (but not limited to):
> - viruses can easily be transmitted within images
> - everyone doesn't have fast access to download large images
> - what standard format should be set
> - the amount of space required to archive messages with pictures
> in them.
> We will continue to improve the service of the Aroid-l mailing list as
> well as implement as many new features as 'reasonably' possible.
> Alan
From: SelbyHort at aol.com on 2002.08.21 at 12:00:26(9249)
In a message dated 8/19/2002 8:58:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
SLCooper@scj.com writes:
> I've never heard of viruses being sent via a .jpg file
| +More |
> If you receive an exe file just delete it.
There are viruses out there that "appear" to be jpg image files, since they
come into your mailbox with the standard .jpg extension. However, they are
disguised and are actually executable files. There are other ways to disguise
executable files. A link in an HTML formatted email message can turn out to
be a link to a web site that will download a virus or some nasty spyware or
keystroke copier to your computer as soon as you click on it (before the web
page even loads and you are aware that it is a bogus/harmful link).
I think it is a good thing that we have a moderated list. This question has
come up many times and I believe that if we had an unmoderated list, we will
all be seeing a lot more "junk" on this list. The moderators help filter that
out. I have never felt that their primary purpose is to screen content posted
by newslist subscribers, but they do block undesirable junk mail that worms
its way in. Also, sometimes people inadvertantly post to the list when the
message is really intended to be sent privately. The moderators sometimes
will re-direct messages that are incorrectly sent to the entire list and so
help avoid someone's embarassment. The moderators also detect problems in the
list and help correct those problems before we are all hit with them, thus
making the list run more smoothly. I feel a delay in the list postings during
problem periods is far preferable than being hit with lots of duplicated
messages or some other glitch that would only bring about a rash of irrate
messages being posted. Being a moderator is a thankless job, but we should be
aware that there is great usefulness in having a moderated list.
Most of us do not need to have split-second postings on this list. Perhaps
someone could start an unmoderated chat room for aroid enthusiasts to satisfy
those who need instant response with no censorship. This would take some
discussion elsewhere, no doubt, but would provide a solution for those people
who do not want a moderated list and who wish to get in touch with a group
simulanteously. However just don't expect all of us to migrate there and
abandon this list.
It is not just the "offshore" folks who have slow connections. I am unable to
achieve connection speeds of anything above 26K, even though I have a new
computer with a fast modem and a new phone line dropped from the pole. The
problem in rural areas of the US is that many places have very old phone line
equipment and the phone companies are not interested in upgrading them for
internet, since they only guaranteee voice connections on these lines. I have
called Verizon repeatedly and they simply have no announced plans to upgrade
any of their lines in the upper NE (probably not in my lifetime). DSL or
cable is not even available where I live so I have no other options other
than to move! Semi-affordable satellite still requires a phone connection and
line of sight to the southern sky, which I don't have since there is a
mountain in the way. If you live in a metro area you have lots of options,
but not everyone lives in a large city. I would probably not even want to
download image attachments posted to the list since too many people would
attach very large files. If I wanted to see any images referred to in
messages on this newslist, I would rather go to a web site.
So much for my opinion.
From: ARNOULD fa378717 at skynet.be> on 2002.12.05 at 11:42:26(9675)
Hello, Iam interested by identifying aroids,and I would like to have some informations about some of them... First,I'd like to know if Philodendron Andreanum and Philo Melanochrysum are two different species or not? Secondly,I often see Philo selloum and Philo bipinnatifidum used to designate the same plants,but in some books(Exotica,...) and on some internetsites with pictures, they are designated as two different species.(I know also there are many different varieties) And what about Anthurium holtonianum,clavigerum and panduratum:1,2,or 3 species? I have also a lot of difficulties with a group of plants called philo laciniatum,florida,florida compacta,pedatum,radiatum,...:I own 4 different plants from this group and can't easily put a name on them(except pedatum)...and I've seen others in some european Botanical Gardens,where they really couldn't answer me enough to satisfy me(answers were sometimes contradictory). I understand some are perhaps hybrids with !
pedatum,squamiferum,...But nothing is very clear! A last interrogation:I think Philo angustisectum and elegans are synonims(isn't it?),but what about Philo tortum,distantilobum and pinnatilobum?These 3 last names designate 3 different plants or not? ,and if well,how can you distinguish them (by another way than by flowers!) Can someone answer some of my questions? I would be very glad to receive some experienced informations... And... sorry for my poor english!(My native tongue is french...) A belgian aroider: Daniel Arnould,Rixensart,Belgium nouldinio@skynet.be
| |
From: ARNOULD fa378717 at skynet.be> on 2002.12.09 at 08:45:05(9693)
Hello, Great thanks to everyone who answered my questions! I understand thus :Philo andreanum and melanochrysum are synonyms;Philo angustisectum and radiatum are synonyms;Philo elegans and radiatum are 2 different but very similar species;Philo elegans is probably not a wild species. Otherwise,I understand it's very difficult to give doubtless accurate answers about some species!(What are the reasons of such a state?) Can somebody answer me about anthurium clavigerum,holtonianum and panduratum : synonyms? And enlighten me about Philos pedatum,laciniatum,florida,florida compacta(those two last probably hybrids or cultivars)? I particularly adress my questions to M rs Tom Croat and Eduardo Goncalves, who seem to be specialists in this domain and are kind enough to allow part of their time to answer a natural enthusiast ! Incidentally,my first name is Daniel (and not Arnould) Daniel Arnould Belgium nouldinio@sky!
| |
From: Tom Croat Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2002.12.09 at 17:01:25(9701)
DEar Arnould:
Of the three names you list (including A. clavigerum) only A. clavigerum is
valid. The other two names A. holtonianum and A. panduratum are synonyms of
A. clavigerum. \
| +More |
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 8:45 AM
To: 'aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu'
Subject: [aroid-l] .
Hello, Great thanks to everyone who answered my questions! I
understand thus :Philo andreanum and melanochrysum are synonyms;Philo
angustisectum and radiatum are synonyms;Philo elegans and radiatum are 2
different but very similar species;Philo elegans is probably not a wild
species. Otherwise,I understand it's very difficult to give doubtless
accurate answers about some species!(What are the reasons of such a state?)
Can somebody answer me about anthurium clavigerum,holtonianum and panduratum
: synonyms? And enlighten me about Philos pedatum,laciniatum,florida,florida
compacta(those two last probably hybrids or cultivars)? I particularly
adress my questions to M rs Tom Croat and Eduardo Goncalves, who seem to be
specialists in this domain and are kind enough to allow part of their time
to answer a natural enthusiast ! Incidentally,my first name is Daniel (and
not Arnould) Daniel Arnould Belgium
From: Harry Witmore harrywitmore at witmore.net> on 2003.03.01 at 14:09:08(10019)
Would anyone object to me removing the Raleigh Extravaganza site at
I need to free up some of my web space. I don't mind leaving it if it's
being used. It doesn't look like there has been any activity in a while though.
Harry Witmore
| +More |
Zone 7 NC
Cloud Jungle Art
Cloud Jungle ePiphytes
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.456 / Virus Database: 256 - Release Date: 2/18/2003
From: "Petra Schmidt" petra at plantdelights.com> on 2003.03.03 at 11:57:46(10023)
Harry - can you move it to the IAS archives files?
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: "Aroid-L"
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 9:09 AM
Subject: [aroid-l]
> Would anyone object to me removing the Raleigh Extravaganza site at
> www.cloudjungle.com/RaleighExtravaganza/default.htm
> I need to free up some of my web space. I don't mind leaving it if it's
> being used. It doesn't look like there has been any activity in a while
> Harry Witmore
> Zone 7 NC
> Cloud Jungle Art
> Epiphytes.Org
> Cloud Jungle ePiphytes
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.456 / Virus Database: 256 - Release Date: 2/18/2003
From: "Alan Galloway" alan_galloway at ncsu.edu> on 2003.08.20 at 01:54:39(10514)
Several folks have contacted me directly with concerns of Aroid-l,
especially over the last few days with the spread of recent viruses.
Please remember that Aroid-l is a moderated list, so that means
the moderator on duty has to actually look at incoming messages
before they are sent onto the subscribers of Aroid-l. The moderator
on duty checks their email several times a day to approve messages.
So if you think your message hasn't gone out fast enough, it may
very well be because the moderator hasn't gotten around to approving
messages yet.
| +More |
But from time to time there are other reasons why email is not
delivered quickly. Should you think something may be wrong
with the mail servers that handle Aroid-l, please feel free
to visit http://sysnews.ncsu.edu for messages concerning system
From: Paul Tyerman ptyerman at ozemail.com.au> on 2003.08.20 at 10:20:48(10521)
At 09:54 19/08/03 -0400, you wrote:
>Several folks have contacted me directly with concerns of Aroid-l,
>especially over the last few days with the spread of recent viruses.
Howdy All,
Remember as well that now-a-days viruses often borrow their "source"
address from an email in the infected machines email system, so the virus
is apparently sent by someone completely different. I have received things
back that could be delivered which I supposedly had sent..... obviously in
that case someone had received an email either privately or to a group and
the virus had picked my address up from that email and made it look like I
was the source of the email.
All this means that you can virtually ignore the email address that the
virus was supposedly from. It MIGHT be the correct address and have
originated from them, but it may also have been a substitute address and be
from someone else completely.
Of course this means it is absolute HELL to sort out who it actually DID
come from. A general rule of thumb is to NOT OPEN ANY UNEXPECTED
ATTACHEMENTS, even if they are from your best friend. This goes double for
any email that just contains a basic line like "See attachment" or
something like that as it will almost certainly be a virus. Also any .exe,
.bat, .pik, .scr etc files are suspect, and anything that has a 3 part name
instead of the normal 2 part name.
I hope this is of some help to people and may lay their minds to rest a
little over the source of the virus being aroid-l. There really is NO way
to know.
Paul Tyerman
| +More |
Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9
Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus,
Cyrtanthus, Oxalis, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about
anything else that doesn't move!!!!!
From: "Kirk Bowles" kirk_bowles at mindspring.com> on 2003.11.07 at 03:46:52(10778)
How do I deal with what looks like aphids on my A. Titanum?
| |
From: "ron iles" <roniles at eircom.net> on 2004.03.06 at 11:42:55(11231)
Half-an-inch a DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's not a problem its a nightmare! Why
not let the Spaths have their way & enjoy sweet dreams. From School I
thought Kauai was the wettest place on Earth? It could be even better
there....or worse. (Aside)....This fellah regards Spaths as WEEDS & grows
| +More |
Aunty Mo
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 2:49 AM
Subject: [aroid-l] lawns
Sorry folks, for years I've told people that lawns are the most labor
intensive plants you can grow, and in many cases the most expensive. But,
in my case, they act as a ground cover and help to prevent erosion. Hilo
has the highest rainfall in the U. S. The Spaths (and Monsteras) also
become a problem when they invade the banana clumps and my fruit trees. I
do agree that lawns are a pain in the grass especially when they grow 1/2" a
day without fertilizer.
My best to all, Gary
From: Jason Hernandez mossytrail at earthlink.net> on 1970.01.01 at 00:00:00(13574)
Title: Out of Office AutoReply: [Aroid-l] Re: Iron Chef - Konnyaku
| +More |
I suppose by now you've all gotten this one:-----Original Message----- From: Guanghua.Zhu@mobot.org Sent: Nov 21, 2005 2:20 PM To: mossytrail@earthlink.net Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: [Aroid-l] Re: Iron Chef - Konnyaku
This is an automated reply from the Missouri Botanical Garden:
The Missouri Botanical Garden is very sorry to inform you that Dr. Guanghua Zhu died on 2 November 2005. If you still need assistance, please contact Nicholas Turland, Dr. Zhu's colleague on the Flora of China project.
Thank you.
Aroid-l mailing list
From: Scott Hyndman hyndman at aroid.org> on 2005.11.27 at 10:52:21(13575)
Dear Jason,
I am very sadden to hear this terrible news. I knew that Guanghua
was ill, but I did not know that it was so serious. Guanghua was a
wonderful person and a tirelessly gifted botanist that had the unique
gift of being very fluent in both Chinese and English, thus making
him a perfect collaborator for the Flora of China Project. As most
of you probably know, Guanghua was the "Father" of the IAS Website,
and he was instrumental for several years following the inception of
the site in 1996 in helping the site content to evolve and grow. I
will leave the accolades of Guanghua's abilities as an aroid
taxonomist and scholar to those who knew him better than I in those
endeavors. Let it be simply said that world is a lesser place with
his passing.
Regards, Scott
| +More |
Scott Hyndman
Vero Beach, Florida
On Nov 27, 2005, at 12:48 AM, Jason Hernandez wrote:
I suppose by now you've all gotten this one:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Nov 21, 2005 2:20 PM
To: mossytrail@earthlink.net
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: [Aroid-l] Re: Iron Chef - Konnyaku
This is an automated reply from the Missouri Botanical Garden:
The Missouri Botanical Garden is very sorry to inform you that Dr.
Guanghua Zhu died on 2 November 2005. If you still need assistance,
please contact Nicholas Turland, Dr. Zhu's colleague on the Flora
of China project.
Thank you.
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From: "Agoston Janos" agoston.janos at citromail.hu> on 2006.11.22 at 10:43:13(14829)
Hi,In Wesseling I saw a potted one called Galaxy, that was the darkest form of all I've ever seen, the edge of the leaves were also very dark purple. But perhaps it was misnamed, becouse when you click on this link you will find that under the name Galaxy, thgere is no "black" Zantha, it was very similar to Black Star.http://www.cnb.nl/zantedeschia/catalogus/start.htmThe biggest Zantha breeders are Kapiteyn B.V. and Sande Group http://www.sandegroup.nl/index2.htmlG. Geerlings are also doing Zanthas but they do not have any "black".http://www.zantedeschia.comI hope this will help...Bye,Jani-- Eredeti üzenet --Feladó: Steve Marak CÃmzett: Aroid list Másolat: Elküldve: 08:44Téma: [Aroid-l] "black" zantedeschiasI keep forgetting to ask about this .... A few weeks ago I was wandering through a local warehouse club (Sam's). They had an arrangement of the most impressive black zantedeschias I've ever seen. They weren't truly black, of c
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ourse, but easily the darkest I've ever seen, looking black from any distance at all and without any lighter edge. And in a lot of the darker varieties I've seen, the spathes haven't been that large - looked like lots of rehmannii in them, to me, from the size and shape. But these had larger spathes with a more open shape. I thought they were artificial until I was within a couple of meters, and I had to scratch them to be sure they weren't painted or otherwise artifically colored somehow. The distributor rep happened to be there, and said they were grown either in Costa Rica or Columbia - she wasn't sure which, and didn't know any more. They got in only enough to do that one arrangement, and I've seen none since. Anyone know what variety that might be? I've checked out "black callas" on the web - lots of hits, but nothing as impressive as this one. Steve -- Steve Marak -- samarak@gizmoworks.com _______________________________________________ Aroid-l mailing list Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com http://www.gizmo
HÃrkeresÅ‘ TOP50 hÃr - BulvárhÃrek, sztárpletykák és a nap történései itt: KLIKK IDE! - http://www.hirkereso.hu/top50
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From: "Agoston Janos" agoston.janos at citromail.hu> on 2006.11.23 at 10:18:28(14843)
But Marek, This is not Schwarzwalder. Did you bought it from De Ree Bloembollen B.V.? They sold a variety with schwarzwalder picture, but it was sold under the bane Black Beuty, and a look alike Zanthadeschia grew out from it, but some were Black Eyed Beauty...If you would check the pictures on my site (4 real Schwarzwalder) you coul dee the differences: http://viraghagymasz.hu/fajok/zanthadeschia.htmPictures are not the best, but the variety is true to name! nd are reduced, to avoid picture theft. (not you, but for many others)-- Eredeti üzenet --Feladó: abri1973@wp.plCÃmzett: Discussion of aroids Másolat: Elküldve: 2006.11.22 17:26Téma: Re: [Aroid-l] "black" zantedeschiasThe cultivar 'Schwarzwalder' has almost black spathes, but its leaves don't look like rehmannii, they are sagittate and spotted like in Z. elliottiana. A photo attached. Marek ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Marak" To: "Aroid list"
oid-l@gizmoworks.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:40 AM Subject: [Aroid-l] "black" zantedeschias >I keep forgetting to ask about this .... > > A few weeks ago I was wandering through a local warehouse club (Sam's). > They > had an arrangement of the most impressive black zantedeschias I've ever > seen. > > They weren't truly black, of course, but easily the darkest I've ever > seen, > looking black from any distance at all and without any lighter edge. And > in a > lot of the darker varieties I've seen, the spathes haven't been that > large - > looked like lots of rehmannii in them, to me, from the size and shape. But > these had larger spathes with a more open shape. I thought they were > artificial > until I was within a couple of meters, and I had to scratch them to be > sure > they weren't painted or otherwise artifically colored somehow. > > The distributor rep happened to be there, and said they were grown either > in > Costa Rica or Columbia - she wasn't sure which, and didn't know
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any more. > They > got in only enough to do that one arrangement, and I've seen none since. > > Anyone know what variety that might be? I've checked out "black callas" on > the > web - lots of hits, but nothing as impressive as this one. > > Steve > > -- Steve Marak > -- samarak@gizmoworks.com > _______________________________________________ > Aroid-l mailing list > Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com > http://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l > _______________________________________________ Aroid-l mailing list Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com http://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l
HÃrkeresÅ‘ TOP50 hÃr - BulvárhÃrek, sztárpletykák és a nap történései itt: KLIKK IDE! - http://www.hirkereso.hu/top50
Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Agoston Janos" agoston.janos at citromail.hu> on 2006.11.23 at 10:28:36(14844)
Dear Steve,I made some pictures from the so called Galaxy, which is Black Star, now. In the weekend I'll post them here, huge files!-- Eredeti üzenet --Feladó: Steve Marak CÃmzett: Discussion of aroids Másolat: Elküldve: 2006.11.22 17:57Téma: Re: [Aroid-l] "black" zantedeschiasThanks everyone for the responses so far, and some additional comments ... Bernhard, unfortunately I have no photo. I was berating myself for not having a camera with me until my wife reminded me that it's not something I would ordinarily take along while shopping at a warehouse club ... Jani, thanks for the links. There are some impressive cultivars out there. I didn't see any that looked exactly like what I saw, but of course time has passed and things are usually more impressive in our memories. Marek, Anton, and Kyle mentioned the foliage - I don't know what the foliage looked like, either. They had only the inflorescences on their stems
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in an arrangement. The stems were easily 30+ cm (1 foot) long, not including any of the spathe which added at least another 10+ cm (4 inches or so). That was the other impressive thing - the pink/purple/red/black cultivars I've seen have had smaller inflorescences on smaller plants, which is why I said they reminded me of rehmanii. The size and form of these reminded me of some of the bigger yellow cultivars like "Flame". Steve -- Steve Marak -- samarak@gizmoworks.com _______________________________________________ Aroid-l mailing list Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com http://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l
HÃrkeresÅ‘ TOP50 hÃr - BulvárhÃrek, sztárpletykák és a nap történései itt: KLIKK IDE! - http://www.hirkereso.hu/top50
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From: Helmut Reisenberger <gartenbaureisenberger at web.de> on 2009.05.06 at 09:14:50(19304)
Hello Ferenc, Hi all !
thanks for your contribution to the identification. You make me sure it is a Syngonium. But what makes this species never to develop adult leaves, whi ch are characteritic for the species? I have grown some plants (which easi ly grow from rooted cuttings) to some meters high under rainforest conditio ns (substrate, climbing support, temperature, humidity). The stem of some a re more than 4 cm thick and the leaves are, still in the heartshaped manner , more than 70 cm long. They never produced any inflorescense (how could th ey?).
Maybe anybody out there in the araceae crowd can offer an adult species of Syngonium macrophyllum (preferably in Europe)?
I would like to cut an adult plant up to root the cuttings and to see what happens.
g.gr. Helmut Reisenberger
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> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: "Lengyel Ferenc"
> Gesendet: 23.04.09 08:10:53
> An: Discussion of aroids
> Betreff: Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron "SCHÖNBRUNNER HYBRID"
> Hello,
> Firt of all I'm terribly sorry for loading the list with such a big mail. I haven't realized its size, I
> just added the attachments one after the other without reducing their siz e. Next time I will
> take care of it.
> Thank you for all the answers. Yes, it has a white sap when cut. So it mu st be the juvenile
> form of a Syngonium sp., possibly S. macrophyllum.
> The unknown plant on the aroid webpage mentioned by Marek Argent is very similar,
> however, it has a shiny surface while the upper surface of the leaves of my plant is slightly
> velvety.
> If anybody is interested in the attached pics, I have reduced their size and put them on the
> Internet. Here are the links:
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600892.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600891.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600890.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600889.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600888.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600887.jpg#3
> Best Regards
> Ferenc
> _______________________________________________
> Aroid-L mailing list
> Aroid-L@www.gizmoworks.com
> http://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l
Aroid-L mailing list
From: "Famille FERRY" <jpcferry2 at wanadoo.fr> on 2009.05.08 at 07:44:29(19312)
Dear Mr. Reisenberger ,
We have Syngonium macrophyllum in the greenhouses of the Botanical Garden
of Nancy , since a long time .
It is possible to give a cutting.
Come you to the Xth Conference of aroids in Nancy ?
Best regards
Geneviève FERRY
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Xth International Aroid Conference
Nancy Botanical Garden, France, 8-10 July 2009
----- Original Message -----
From: "Helmut Reisenberger"
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l]Philodendron "SCHÖNBRUNNER HYBRID"
Hello Ferenc, Hi all !
thanks for your contribution to the identification. You make me sure it is a
Syngonium. But what makes this species never to develop adult leaves, which
are characteritic for the species? I have grown some plants (which easily
grow from rooted cuttings) to some meters high under rainforest conditions
(substrate, climbing support, temperature, humidity). The stem of some are
more than 4 cm thick and the leaves are, still in the heartshaped manner,
more than 70 cm long. They never produced any inflorescense (how could
Maybe anybody out there in the araceae crowd can offer an adult species of
Syngonium macrophyllum (preferably in Europe)?
I would like to cut an adult plant up to root the cuttings and to see what
g.gr. Helmut Reisenberger
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: "Lengyel Ferenc"
> Gesendet: 23.04.09 08:10:53
> An: Discussion of aroids
> Betreff: Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron "SCHÖNBRUNNER HYBRID"
> Hello,
> Firt of all I'm terribly sorry for loading the list with such a big mail.
> I haven't realized its size, I
> just added the attachments one after the other without reducing their
> size. Next time I will
> take care of it.
> Thank you for all the answers. Yes, it has a white sap when cut. So it
> must be the juvenile
> form of a Syngonium sp., possibly S. macrophyllum.
> The unknown plant on the aroid webpage mentioned by Marek Argent is very
> similar,
> however, it has a shiny surface while the upper surface of the leaves of
> my plant is slightly
> velvety.
> If anybody is interested in the attached pics, I have reduced their size
> and put them on the
> Internet. Here are the links:
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600892.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600891.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600890.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600889.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600888.jpg#3
> http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600887.jpg#3
> Best Regards
> Ferenc
> _______________________________________________
> Aroid-L mailing list
> Aroid-L@www.gizmoworks.com
> http://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l
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Aroid-L mailing list
From: "StroWi at t-online.de" <StroWi at t-online.de>
on 2015.08.17 at 19:58:26(23460)
Hi Ken, the IG I grow since 2002, when I got an offset from CJ Addington, has definitely fewer spots than the regular form.
You can see pictures here: http://www.amorphophallus-forum.de/typhonium-venosum-im-originalzustand-typhonium-sauromatum/andere-araceaen-nach-gattungen-f27/t316-f9/ see posts # 5, 15, 36, 40, 55
(There is a translation button at th end of the page....)
The second trait which separates this IG genotype from the regular form is that the length/width ratio of the Fingers" of the leaf is much smaller; so the fingers are much wider than in the regular form.
The genotype I grow goes back to a strain grown by Tony Avent / Plant Delights Nursery, so a population of homogeneous genotypes.
CJ wrote the following:
"If I recall correctly, I did indeed get that clone from Plant Delights years ago. At first glance it resembles the ?normal? form, especially in juveniles, but the mature plant is quite distinct. The ?Indian Giant? produces leaves that are substantially larger than normal, and the individual leaf segments ( the ?fingers?) are broad, wide, and slightly wavy on the edges. If a normal leaf looks like a giant human ?hand?, with long thin fingers, the Indian Giant leaf looks like a gecko foot, with wide fingers. I hope that makes sense!? Also, the Indian Giant corm gets much larger, makes fewer offsets, and the bloom is taller and stockier than the normal."
If you find time, please send picture of your plants...
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Best, Bernhard.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
[Aroid-l] Sauromatum venosum 'Indian Giant' or maybe not?
Wed, 5 Aug 2015 10:09:26 -0400
Ken Mosher
Antwort an:
Discussion of aroids
Aroid list
I'm currently the beneficiary of a Sauromatum venosum 'Indian Giant' that is producing its third full-sized leaf from the primary growth point. I'm not sure why it's so happy, but I'm happy that it's happy! As I recall the corm was approx ping-pong ball sized (or slightly larger) when I planted it so I can't wait to see how big it is when I dig it in the fall. This one's planted in the ground and I gave it a healthy dose of time-release fertilizer when I planted it.
If anyone has an opinion on this --> I bought two this year as 'Indian Giant' because I had lost mine a few years ago.
The plants that popped up are certainly large enough to be 'IG' with the leaf over knee-high in full sun from a tuber of modest size. What doesn't mesh with my memory of my former plants is the petiole speckling. My 'IG' in the past had noticeably fewer spots than the regular species. These two plants' petioles aren't significantly different from the straight species. Also, even though the leaf is tall and large the leaflets don't have the particular shape that I recall from my former 'IG'.
Is there much variation in the 'IG' form? Is that form likely a single clone (and thus no variation)? If I had any sense at all I'd have a photo attached... Add that to the list of items I need to take care of after work today.
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