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  Colocasia gaoligongensis?/Pete Boyce
From: ju-bo at msn.com (Julius Boos) on 2007.09.29 at 10:25:03(16362)
From: bogus@does.not.exist.com ()
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 15:05:46 -0000
Subject: No subject
From: kneel at st-chad.demon.co.uk (Robin Bell) on 2007.09.30 at 12:05:48(16367)
Several people have suggested it is just a highland cultivar of
C.esculenta, but we have several clones of it in circulation, that are close
enough to be the same species as each other, but are distinct from esculenta
to my eye. It was imported from China as CO.flax [which it clearly isn't],
from Mrs Chen Yi, Kitchen Nursery, Beijing.

The strongest reason for doubting esculenta is the spadix, which has only a
vestigial appendix. I think esculenta usually has a significant appendix.

I append a picture of the spadix. If I have mastered the art of posting


From: abri1973 at wp.pl (Marek Argent) on 2007.10.01 at 00:21:48(16370)


Or it is C. esculenta with a malformed spadix.
I have Zantedeschia aethiopica and once it bloomed like this (see the
attachment - it had sterile male flowers which looked like an appendix),
but the rest of inflorescences were typical. Is it the only one infl. you
have seen on this plant?


From: hermine at endangeredspecies.com (hermine) on 2007.10.02 at 19:31:00(16377)
>>I append a picture of the spadix. If I have mastered the art of posting
From: kneel at st-chad.demon.co.uk (Robin Bell) on 2007.10.03 at 18:47:35(16384)

I have been out and checked! They are all simialar with only a small
sterile region at the tip of the spadix.


From: botanist at malesiana.com (Peter Boyce) on 2007.10.05 at 10:37:35(16393)
Hi Marek,

Sorry I have been so slow responding to your email; have been in Mulu for
the past 10 days.

I don't think that this is goaligongensis; the spathe of that is rich yellow
and does not open in this manner (it has a strong constriction between the
lower convolute part and the spathe limb. In recent years there have been
several new Colocasia described from SW China and I have been lucky to
review the mss of most for the publishingh journal; but to my mind this is
none of them. maybe new.


From: botanist at malesiana.com (Peter Boyce) on 2007.10.05 at 10:42:31(16394)
Ah ha! Have just realized that this is the photo I should have checked and
not the other which is now clearly Zantedeschia... blame 10 days in the
field and too much instant noodles..

This IS gaoligongensis; note the open spathe, the leathery, glossy leaves
and the loose habit all very different to esculenta. This is close to the
cultivar of esculenta (which is nothing to do with esculenta) called


From: botanist at malesiana.com (Peter Boyce) on 2007.10.05 at 10:45:17(16395)
Hi Julius,

Yep, this is gaoligongensis; one of a raft of new Colocasia described from
SW China in recent years. It is very distinct when you see it grwoing next
to esculenta, not least in that the leaves are glossy and after rain become
uniformly wet rather then the water forming 'mercury drops' on the glaucous

As ever


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