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  Re: [Aroid-l] is it an Anubias?
From: Peter Boyce <phymatarum at googlemail.com> on 2011.06.11 at 02:17:33(22092)
Hi Ferenc,

This is a Schismatoglottis. It maybe S. roseospatha, but it is hard to tell since the inflorescence you depict is in fact a teratological artefact. The spathe has reverted to a a modified leaf. My guess is that the plant has been raised from tissue culture and is still affected by the chemicals used to induce multiple-shoot production. I aslo suspect that the plant may have been treated with chemical to compact its grwoth too.

It will be interesting to see what type of inflorescences it produces once the hormonal effects wear off.

Out of interest, where did you buy the plant?





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