IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  [Aroid-l] Araceae of Peninsular Malaysia
From: Albert Huntington <balberth at yahoo.com> on 2011.12.29 at 22:48:03(22503)

After a couple months in a shipping container, the IAS now has a limited number of Peter Boyce's book _Araceae of Peninsular Malaysia_ on hand.

Ordering information is here: http://www.aroid.org/literature/MalayAroids/

Yes, it is somewhat expensive. We are doing the best we can in an attempt to break even on the deal - the publisher wanted a lot for these, and it is a very short press run.

( Note that paid-up IAS members can receive a $7 discount by indicating this when ordering on the drop-down menu.)

It *is* very nicely illustrated with lots of color



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